Monday, January 31, 2011

I'm Officially A Blogger

I finally figured out how to set up my blog so I suppose it's time to start blogging, right?

Well as most of you know, I took a two month break from both of my jobs to come help my friend Jessi, with her precious twins in Hawaii.
Nora and Holden

Traveling from North Carolina to Hawaii is a long flight for me, let alone 14 month olds. So, we split up the flying and spent a few days in Seattle with one of Jessi's friends. The flying part with the babies wasn't too terrible, now for the rest of the misfortunate events that took place, I'll get back to that later. For now, I just want to say a big "THANKS" to my mother. Being a twin myself, I never realized how hard it could have been to raise us.
Naps, feeding, play time, crying, and stinky diapers can be difficult, but when you have to double that... YIKES. To be honest, I'm not sure how my mother did it. Now I'm not complaining by any means. I honestly enjoy what I'm doing here, and it's totally worth my time, I'm just more appreciative of mothers, especially mothers of multiples... way to go Auntie Jessi! You're my hero.

I'll leave you with a few pictures I found of my twin and I growing up. For now though, Jessi has me interested in a book series called The Hunger Games which I'm dying to get back to.