I'm not sure if any of you are aware of the pink glove dance video that went around a few years ago, but basically it involved all aspects of hospital workers putting on pink gloves and dancing for breast cancer awareness. Well apparently since then, there's been a contest to see which hospital can produce the best pink glove dance video. The winner gets an amount of money that they donate to a charity of their choosing I believe. Guess which hospital decided to partake in this contest?! The one I'm stationed at for clinicals, which meant I got to partake! So if you've got a few minutes, click here and go "like" the video. You have to have a facebook account and sign in first, but make sure you like them if you go vote.
Here's the video for your viewing pleasure. In case you're looking for me, you're not going to see my face unfortunately. However, you will see my watch and hands on the clip of all the hands on the table. And also, when the patient is on the table covered by hands. My hands are covering her and you can see my white scrub top on the left side of her. There's my ten seconds of stardom, hope you enjoy! Don't forget to go vote!!
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