Friday, November 7, 2014

Fingernails Friday?

Lately I have almost accomplished what I literally thought was impossible... I have quit biting my nails, (for the most part.) 

My pinky nails are the only ones that I seem to have a problem with. 8 out of 10 isn't bad though, right!? Especially for a nail biting addict of 26 years. I realize they aren't perfect, but they are an improvement. And bless his heart, Wade is CONSTANTLY reminding me of "Fingers!". Translating to: 'get them out of your mouth'. I still have the habit of putting my nails against my teeth even though I don't actually bite them, especially if I'm excited or on the edge of my seat watching The Walking Dead
Ever since I was in Kristyn's wedding and got acrylic nails for the event, I've gone through fill ins, replacements, gel nails, you name it, to get to this point. Usually I would chew off acrylics within a matter of days, but for whatever reason, this time I didn't. Hopefully I keep the good work up and get my pinky nails up to par! 

Happy Friday! However, as I'm typing this, it's almost Saturday. 

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