Saturday, May 14, 2011

Hats, Tea and Tiaras.. OH MY!

Two weekends ago was the Royal Wedding in England with Kate and William. But last weekend was the Royal Tea with Megan and the residents of Mountain Top. And since the media doesn't find us as important as the Royal Family, you probably didn't see this event on the television, but thankfully you can read all about it here!

A few weeks ago I wrote about dying Easter eggs with the residents and how they enjoyed it, and how I was looking for ideas for another idea that I could do with them. Well ask and ye shall receive! My G-maw called me one night shortly after and told me of this great idea that someone at her church had just done for some of the residents at a nursing home. They got the residents all dolled up and took glamour shots of them, and they loved it. So I took this idea and ran with it.

After talking to many of the residents and getting their input and suggestions, we decided to have a "Royal Wedding Tea", the theme being, If you were invited to the Royal Wedding, what would you wear? We had a blast with it. Everyone, including myself, got all dolled up with big hats, tiaras, and dresses and came down to mingle and have a few refreshments. It was a great social event for them, and I had fun doing it. My G-maw just happened to be in town the weekend that we had it, so I invited her to come. Here's a few pictures from the event.

Preparing Cucumber Sandwiches
Mrs. Cochran went with a tacky approach.

G-maw and myself. I kept hearing, "She doesn't look old enough to be your grandmother". Well for those of you out there that are reading this and agree, she's been taking Shaklee for years. And what a coincidence, she happens to sell it too so if you want to look as young as she does, let me know and I'll get you her number...
All of us

If anyone has anymore ideas for something I could do with them next month, let me know!

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