School started a couple of weeks ago and I've already got a count down going- just 15 more weeks left in this semester! But so far it's off to a great start!
I absolutely love my clinical site at the hospital in Pinehurst. I'm there Monday thru Wednesdays from 8am-3pm. The therapists, doctors and nurses are all SUPER nice and great to work with. And best of all, there is no dress code for our uniforms so, no bright yellow ones like I had in X-Ray! It will still be many years before I purchase any sort of yellow scrubs. I've actually kinda become obsessed with buying new scrubs. There's soo many cute things out there! And the shoes I got are totally FABULOUS! (they're zebra print) And scrubs overall are just the most comfortable thing I've ever had to wear. I'm thinking about just wearing them all the time.
Off to clinicals with my cool lunch box and books. Look mommy, I'm a big kid now!

As for the driving part, not so great. From Asheboro to Pinehurst it is about a 45 minute drive, which isn't bad at all, and I even get to see beautiful sunrises in the morning. Even the drives from Pinehurst to Greenville or Greenville to Asheboro, which are roughly 2-2.5 hours, aren't bad. The drives are easy, but my gas tank and bank account seem to both be dwindling these days. Which is why I've set up a fund if anyone wants to donate to it: Megan Needs Gas Money Fund. All profits go to a good cause. Let me know if you're interested and I'll send you more details.
Classes so far are proving to be managable. I'm ahead of the game as of right now, and I'm even working on a paper that isn't due til November. That's right, I waited 23 years to decide to become organized and an overachiever. I guess you could say I've procrastinated at overachieving? Anywho, hopefully I'll be able to stay on track and keep up the good work. The teachers seem really helpful and willing to do whatever it takes to make sure we understand everything. If the school weren't in Greenville, it would be amazing, but I can't have everything I guess. I absolutely despise Greenville with all it's traffic, no parking spots, 17,000 McDonald's on every corner, and did I mention all the traffic??? Unfortunately, complaining won't change anything.
This was a drive by shooting of the building with my camera so it's not a good photo, but compared to RCC, this community college is like a university.