Since my mom pretty much stays cooped up inside most of the time, I wanted to take her out and do something she would enjoy. Being that the NC Zoo has had a lot of new additions, I thought that would be a great place to take her. There were six in our group, Momma, Wade, his mother, Cindy, Wades uncle, Jason, Lily, and myself. Recently they had four baby lion cubs (that aren't fully on exhibit yet but do make special appearances), along with the baby gorillas and cougar cubs. Not to mention that last Saturday was absolutely gorgeous!
Our good friend, Angie, works at the zoo and reserved momma a motorized wheelchair so that getting around would be easier. The great thing about the zoo is that it's very handicap/stroller friendly. The down side to the zoo on a beautiful Saturday is there are TONS of people and children. Momma did great in the wheelchair, but my nerves were shot the entire time thinking she was going to accidentally run into someone or someone would run into her. Thankfully there were no causalities, well until later...
We had a great time though, I've never see the animals so active. The otters were putting on a show for everyone along with the ocelot and baby gorillas. Did I mention that I could watch the baby gorillas for hours?! Talk about cuteness overload! Saturday was very enjoyable and everyone had a wonderful time. Here's a few photos from the day.
Now about that causality I was mentioning earlier....
As we were leaving, we took the bus back to the North America side. Here's a little fun fact I learned: The NC Zoo is the largest walking zoo in the world! That's crazy. Being that it's the only zoo I've ever been to, since it's basically in my back yard, I had no idea how it compared to other zoos. I guess we're top notch when it comes to our animals.
Now that I'm through with that tangent..... we had to wait until a handicap bus came so it could load momma. Once we finally got back to the North America side, the bus driver was climbing up the back of the bus to unload her when his foot slipped off the back bumper and his other leg hit the metal door framing on his way down. He was injured pretty badly, so much so he wasn't able to stand and I thought he may have broken it. Other zoo employees came to his rescue minutes later but we did hear that the ambulance came and took him to the hospital. Fortunately it was just bruised very badly, but at least it wasn't broken.
And God said, Let the earth bring forth the living creature after his kind, cattle, and creeping thing, and beast of the earth after his kind: and it was so. -Genesis 1:24