Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Plastic Bag Problems

I was listening to the radio the other morning and they were talking about how California banned the use of plastic bags. They quoted a statistic from the governor of California that blew my mind: "One plastic bag is used for twenty minutes and then lays in a landfill for 1,000 years." WOAH. 
I've seen people that use the recycled bags but never really thought about doing it myself until now. I was all on board about trying to do my part to save the environment that I went out and bought two reusable bags to start off with. Here's where I'm suppose to tell you that I've been doing my part and I love them and will never go back to using plastic.... WRONG. 
I hate to admit this but I'm an environmentalist failure. After purchasing those reusable bags, I have forgotten every time to take them with me inside a store! 
However, I am going to try and better myself and remember. The point of this blog was to make the 5 readers that I have aware of this problem and try to do better themselves. 

Happy Tuesday Folks! 

I brought you into a fertile land to eat its fruit and rich produce. But you came and defiled my land and made my inheritance detestable.  -Jeremiah 2:7 

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