Monday, August 18, 2014

OBX '14

I gave you the introduction to Lily yesterday so that I could FINALLY tell you about our last weeks mini vacay. Lately I've just been too busy to sit down at my computer. Anyways, so here goes....

Lily told us about a month ago that her parents were going to Nags Head for a week in August. Her parents invited us (Wade, Adam, and myself) to spend the week there, being that there were plenty of extra rooms. Being currently unemployed, there was no way I was turning down a free week at the beach. Would you?? In the end, Adam wasn't able to get off work and couldn't go. So last Tuesday the three of us loaded up the car and were on our way!

Wednesday morning we got up and headed to the beach. Lilys mom brought all kinds of goodies to play with on the beach: kites, buckets, shovels, and a giant frisbee! We also brought our boogie boards since that's one of Wade's favorite things to do at the beach. We tried our hand at flying kites and tossed around the frisbee some. I had the BEST time flying her moms kite (not to mention it was a UNICORN kite!). When it got too hot and we were all out of water, we walked back to the house and took showers. After going out for a bit, we came back and rested the rest of the night and enjoyed tacos.

Thursday we beached it again. Lily and I attempted to build a sand castle. Two words: epic fail. It was a disaster! So we just scratched that idea and made each other mermaid tails. :) There was more kite flying and laying out and of course Wade enjoyed the waves on his boogie board. Later we went to shower and went shopping at some local stores and thrift stores. We stopped at this one artsy store and I fell IN LOVE with this one necklace. (HINT HINT: If you're wondering what to get me for Christmas, here you go, it was a handmade mermaid necklace for $120). Later we enjoyed cheeseburgers, went for a game of putt-putt, and went to bed to rest up for the big day ahead.

This is the place that had the necklace....

Friday morning after a big pancake breakfast, we headed to Ocracoke Island for the day. While we were waiting for the ferry to come pick us up, I stopped at Kitty Hawk Kites and got a mermaid kite! I was and still am super excited about this purchase! Once on the ferry, we had a good forty minute ride. Once we got to the island, we checked out the lighthouse there. It wasn't much to see and you couldn't go up, but nonetheless we got a few cool pictures. Then we ate at a local restaurant and did some more shopping and then headed to the beach. After laying out on the beach for a few hours, we headed back towards the ferry to make our trek back to the beach house. We did stop by Cape Hatteras lighthouse for a brief second on the way back. It had already closed and we weren't able to go up.

Saturday started off early as we headed to see another lighthouse: Currituck Beach. It wasn't that many miles to get there, but traffic was TERRIBLE due to everyone leaving to go home and it felt like it took forever to get there. The lighthouse was neat, we chose to save $8 and not venture to the top but we did walk around and check out some of the stores and things. After checking out the area throughly, we headed back towards the beach house and stopped in the town of Duck, NC for lunch and more shopping. After getting back, we made one last and final trip to the beach were the three of us spent awhile in the water boogie boarding. Later that night after going out for pizza, I let my kite go on its first flight.

While we were at Currituck Beach Lighthouse, I tried my photography skills out. For your viewing pleasure:

Sunday morning, the dreaded packing up and returning home. Booo.

We had a GREAT time though and much thanks to Lily and her family for hosting us. It was a very memorable time.

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