I like to occasionally look back through old photos and reminiscence on good times- I get it honest from my mother, who is constantly looking through photos. In doing so, I realize that I've had a VERY blessed life with many adventures and wonderful people along the way. I've been more places than most and I don't ever take anything for granted. There's nothing special about this blog except to share with you some of my fond memories and favorite photos and to let me relive some past experiences (that is since the age of digital photograpy- I'm not going to bother scanning photos.)
(There's no particular order to these, though I did try to group them somewhat)
I've entered quite a few runs in the past two years. From not being a runner at all, I've completed multiple 5K's and three half-marathons in the past two years. I'm kinda relieved to say that for now my running career has come to a halt- and I'm ok with that. (I now focus more on weight training and while I do still do cardio, usually it doesn't involve running.) However, while I was running, I always liked to have fun doing it. The Color Run, Foam Fest, Running with the Bulls, and The Diva Series were some of my favorites.
Lets be honest- I love cruising! For me it's one of the best vacation options for me. It's cheap, the food is great, and you don't even need a passport to leave the country. I've been on seven cruises to date and continue to look at more.
I've got a thing for mermaids. Don't know why, just do. I find them absolutely fascinating. When I was first starting to get to know Wade, he told me of a place in Florida where they had a live mermaid show. So of course I had to go. I saw the mermaid show (drug him along with me) and got to meet one of the mermaids too! Then at Halloween I WAS a mermaid (and always will be at heart). I won a costume contest too, complete with a trophy!
It's very seldom that I find something that I will not partake it. Very seldom. The more spontaneous and more random it is, the better.
I was asked if I wanted to be a chaperone to a bunch of high school kids to Disney World.
The Price Is Right game show came to Greensboro. (I've ALWAYS wanted to be on the Price is Right and this was the closest to the actual thing that I was going to get)
I took a selfie with a Zebra at the Lazy 5 Ranch.
Went skydiving.
Got in a sharks cage.
Jumped off Compression Falls in Boone.
Kissed a Sting Ray
Went on my first snow boarding trip spur of the moment.

I've been to many a concert. Mostly country concerts in the summer that involve sitting on a blanket in the lawn section but we ways have a great time. The Dave Matthews Concert is one that I'll never forget- it POURED on us. Literally a monsoon. And of course we weren't under shelter. We were soaking wet by the time it was over, but it was definitely a memorable experience.
I'm not that great of a swimmer, but I LOVE the water nonetheless. My father and twin brother are HUGE into kayaking, so of course I had to give it a shot. Rafting is probably more my speed, but I can say that I have crossed white-water kayaking off my bucket list. On one of our cruises, I got to try paddle boarding and that was lots of fun as well. I hope that's something I can continue to enjoy in the future.
As I was saying earlier, I've been blessed to have been able to go to so many different places in just my 26 years. I've been to Ireland, the Bahamas, Vegas and out West, New York, Florida Keys, Jamaica, Hawaii, Chicago and several more. Each place I've ventured to is always fascinating in some way or another and since I never travel alone, it's always nice to share my experiences with friends/family.