Thursday, July 17, 2014

The Whole Famn Damily

Lets face it, getting everyone in a family together is a challenge! And an extended family is just about impossible.
At first, trying to capture a family portrait is a challenge because kids make it challenging- crying, being sick, not wanting to cooperate, etc. (Am I right, Jessi?) But as we get older we all have our own agendas and eventually kids move out (unless you're me and haven't taken the plunge yet... or ever). There's college, journeys home, and careers that have to be taken into account getting everyone together. 
Not to mention, if you are able to get everyone home at the same time, other than a holiday, you have to make sure everyone looks photo worthy. Am I right?! If you know don't know my family, let me give you an overview: Half the time Michaels shirts have holes in them while Elliott wears a wooly beard half the year and doesn't believe in having nice shoes nor clean pants. Meanwhile my toothpick of a father doesn't own a pair of pants other than blue jeans and most those he wears til they have one too many holes. My mother doesn't have that many nice clothes anymore and me, well I'm just perfect ;) 
Say you DO manage to get everyone home, clothed nicely and have a photo-shoot arranged where it isn't pouring buckets at an outside shoot, chances are it's still going to be a hassle. Someone is going to act like a child, regardless of their age, and fits are going to be thrown and most likely, tears will be shed.  Not you're family? You guys are perfect and smile and laugh all the time? I find that hard to believe, but props to you if your family exists like that out there. 

I did it though. I DID IT! I managed to get everyone home for a family photo. We haven't had one taken in YEARS, not a legit family photo by a real photographer anyways. And since my mothers condition continues to worsen, and I had won a photo-shoot by Images by Ginny at a silent auction, I thought this was the perfect time to do one. We had scheduled for the week of Thanksgiving since both the boys would be free from work and college, however it POURED down rain and snow in the mountains and the shoot got canceled. I was bummed, but had the intentions to reschedule- and I did!

Everyone came home one weekend in May. There was NO rain in the forecast, I had arranged for Hannah Beebe, a close friend, to come do the girls makeup (by the way Bee is a fabulous makeup artist that does freelance work on the side so if you want her number, let me know) and I had personally shopped and bought everyones outfits with the help of Michaels girlfriend, Alleson. The real test was going to be the day of. 

Surprisingly, everything went smoothly! That's right I said SMOOTHLY! No drama, no crying, no outfit mishaps, everything went well. In fact, everyone was laughing before hand and Ginny was such a great photographer that we continued to keep laughing the entire shoot. I'm so glad we had these done- they turned out GREAT! Michael got shots with Alleson and Wade and I also were able to get some made. 

My lovely mother
The Twins 
Megan and Michael 
The Parentals- Tony and Donna
The Barbre Family 

And this is my all time FAVORITE picture...
If you can see it larger, it pretty much sums up my dysfunctional family that I love so much.
I wouldn't have these goofs any other way :) 

And you cant forget the couples...

Michael and Alleson
(I adore her!)

My handsome man and myself

"So we, though many, are one body in Christ, and individually members one of another." 
-Romans 12:5

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