Being a twin myself, I've heard about all the stupid questions there are when it comes to being a twin. After time though, you just learn to deal with it, because people have no clue and are actually interested in things like twins and multiples. The usuals like "Are you twins?" or "Are you identical?". Now a quick lesson on egg fertilization for those of you who aren't familiar with the whole identical/fraternal twin thing: 1) Identical twins occur with one egg is fertilized and splits into two eggs, resulting in two boys or two girls that look identical. 2) Fraternal twins are when two separate eggs are fertilized, resulting in two girls, two boys, or a boy/girl combo. While fraternal twins may look very similar, they are not identical.
Pushing Nora and Holden around, sometimes we'll get comments such as "You must have your hands full," and "Here comes double trouble". I mean, really??
Today at the commissary, while having to wait on Jessi, the nicest elderly man came up to talk to me while waiting for his wife in the restroom. People generally assume Nora and Holden are mine if Jessi isn't around, and I usually just let them go on thinking that so I don't have to explain I'm not the mother. But this old man wasn't going to drop the conversation, so after about a minute or so I informed him they weren't mine, they were a friends I was watching as she was shopping, but that I was in fact a twin myself. After asking a series of questions, I told him that I had a twin brother who lived back home in NC. Other than being asked if I was a siamese twin (and it could be argued that the girl who asked it had a very low IQ), the second dumbest question I've gotten is "Do you feel each others pain?", which this man asked. He said, "Like if your brother stubs his toe on the east coast, do you feel pain in your toe over here? There's been a lot of information on those types of things with twins." I politely informed him that was not the case with Michael and I, but nonetheless I got a good kick out of it. Which got me to wondering, what are some other stupid things twins hear, so I looked it up. Most of these were asked to identical twins, but are still funny... Enjoy!
"Are you telepathic?"
"If one of you is injured does the other one feel the pain?"
"Do you both have the same name?"
"Were you in the same class in school?"
"Can your parents tell the difference?"
"Have you ever been out with twin girls/twin boys?"
"Do you ever wake up and think you're the other one?"
"Which one of you is the evil twin?"
"Do you have the same birthday?"
"Are you guys related?"
"Are your parents twins? "
"Do you share a brain?"
"Do you have the same parents?"
"How old is your twin?"
"How long have you been twins?"